Friday, June 24, 2011

Politicians - (Villanelle)

the politicians make their plans
while lawyers all review their cases
and corporate money changes hands

make policies for foreign lands
as media promotes their faces
the politicians make their plans

in words nobody understands
speeches made from well known places
and corporate money changes hands

while noisy crowds and marching bands
assemble in our public spaces
the politicians make their plans

and as the voter base expands
pollsters all predict the races
and corporate money changes hands

keep kissing babies, greeting fans
phony handshakes, false embraces
the politicians make their plans
and corporate money changes hands


  1. yeah,
    vivid capture of political games.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. yeah, aint that the truth

  3. Please join poetry potluck week 42 today,
    Feel free to submit random poems or poems unrelated to our theme.
    Happy Tuesday.
    appreciate your input.

  4. Excellent villanelle Charlie, encompassing corruption and politics, both seem to be interchangeable these days.
