Wednesday, September 22, 2021



Winter –

Out of the north the wind now blows

the autumn leaves have all now froze

and lie beneath the mounting snows

as nature dons her winter clothes


the days grow short, the sun is low

the frozen streams no longer flow

familiar sights we’ve come to know

are buried now beneath the snow


the covered landscape looks so nice

a blanket made from snow and ice

sometimes we have to pay a price

for living in this paradise



Spring –

The river’s eddies start to whirl

we stand and watch the water swirl

before the fiddleheads unfurl

before the grapevines start to curl


a hint of warmth is in the breeze

water droplets no longer freeze

early flowers attract the bees

the buds appear upon the trees


as bees emerge out of the hive

the lifeless vines seem to revive

and tiny seedlings start to thrive

the ponds begin to come alive



Summer –

As temperature defines the rules

trout find their way to deeper pools

the minnows swimming by in schools

reflecting summer sun like jewels


as thunderstorms begin to clear

in the meadows does appear

quite confident their fawns are near

the slightest sound they lift an ear


the canopy in summer’s glow

on forests floors way down below

the Chanterelles begin to grow

their brilliant yellows start to show



Autumn –

And now the leaves begin to turn

we see the browning of the fern

the squirrels find cause for concern

as this year’s acorn crops return


the nights beginning to get long

the Autumn winds becoming strong

the birds no longer sing their song

the geese begin to move along

the colors soon become subdued

the deer by hunters are pursued

the bear are in a heightened mood

while searching tirelessly for food 

1 comment:

  1. I really like the imagery throughout this...winter as the price we pay, spring with the fiddleheads unfurling, summer with the yellow chanterelles, autumn with the browning fern. A lovely take on the seasons.
